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Winterwolf Press Signs Fantasy Author, Aubrie Nixon

Winterwolf Press Signs Fantasy Author, Aubrie Nixon

LAS VEGAS, NV-Winterwolf Press (WP) signs thrilling fantasy author, Aubrie Nixon.  Her exciting dark fantasy series currently entitled, The Darkness Trilogy, is poised to be a spectacular addition to under our upcoming new imprint Shadow Wolf Press. Aubrie Nixon...

Book Signings: Turning an Outdated Event into a Worthwhile Interaction

Book Signings: Turning an Outdated Event into a Worthwhile Interaction

In 2014, Taylor Swift made headlines when she wrote, “There are a few things I have witnessed becoming obsolete in the past few years, the first being autographs.” Apparently, the iPhone generation prefers selfies over signed photos, especially when social media sites...

How to Get Your Book Reviewed Before It’s Published

How to Get Your Book Reviewed Before It’s Published

Here's the thing no one tells you about getting published: it can take longer than writing the book. Blogger Elizabeth Evans even quoted the waiting game as two of the five things that you don't know about book publishing ("don't hold your agents to exact dates," and...

Diversifying your Platforms: Visual Novels (Part 4 of a series)

Diversifying your Platforms: Visual Novels (Part 4 of a series)

  Welcome back for Part 4 of our series dedicated to Diversifying Your Platforms! As we’ve discussed in previous weeks, diversifying your publishing platforms can help an author reach a larger audience that won’t necessarily sit down and read through more...

The Scripted Seven: Part 3

The Scripted Seven: Part 3

There's a great big beautiful movie coming to theaters next year; one based on a beloved fairy tale that you might have (definitely) already heard about: Walt Disney's live-action Beauty and the Beast. There are, of course, plenty of other versions of the French La...

The Scripted Seven: Part 2

The Scripted Seven: Part 2

When Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid first debuted in 2004 and Lemony Snicket's eleventh novel in A Series of Unfortunate events was published later that same year, another great book was about to hit shelves -- The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories by...

Diversifying Your Platforms: Wattpad (Part 2 of a series)

Diversifying Your Platforms: Wattpad (Part 2 of a series)

Welcome back for Part 2 of Diversifying Your Platforms! As we discussed last time, diversifying your publishing platforms can help an author reach a larger audience that won’t necessarily sit down and read through more traditional formats. Today we’re going to be...

The Book Launch: 3 Things To Expect & 3 Things To Do

The Book Launch: 3 Things To Expect & 3 Things To Do

If you're an author who has recently signed a contract with a publisher, then chances are you've heard the term "book launch" thrown around once or twice. No, this isn't a second book marketing campaign, but rather your novel's first step out into the publishing...

The Scripted Seven: Part 1

The Scripted Seven: Part 1

There's an old line about stories that's been attributed to many great writers (Leo Tolstoy, anyone?), but really only got started with educator John Gardner when he wrote, "As subject, use either a trip or the arrival of a stranger (some disruption of order—the usual...

Diversifying Your Platforms: Podcasts (Part 1 of a Series)

Diversifying Your Platforms: Podcasts (Part 1 of a Series)

You have an awesome story. Everyone you tell the concept to stares at you with wide eyes. “I would read the heck out of that,” they say. The other, more common reply: “I would so read that…if I could be bothered to read. I’m just not a reader, though.” With a shrug of...

Five Ways to Build an Audience Before Publication

Five Ways to Build an Audience Before Publication

Writing isn't easy. Besides going through the exhausting act of trying to pen that swirling mass of complicated plotlines and character backstory onto paper, you’ve got a number of other details to keep you up at night: a fitting title, the perfect author bio, to...

Goodreads: Every Authors’ New Pain, or Gain?

Goodreads: Every Authors’ New Pain, or Gain?

An author knows that for every new social media site that pops up, there's another new profile that has to be built. In fact, we're living in what has been dubbed "The Golden Age of social media" since 2001, and with new media being launched every day, it can be a bit...

Three Reasons Why You Should Make a Facebook Author Page

Three Reasons Why You Should Make a Facebook Author Page

Today you did it sitting on the bus, the hood of your jacket thrown over your head as you tapped your foot along to nothing. Yesterday it was on the couch before work, and an hour ago it was in your cubicle (you may or may not have been on lunch break). You know what...

3 Amazing Writing Sheds

3 Amazing Writing Sheds

Writers. We’re constantly looking for the perfect location to write. If you're like me, you’ve spent copious amounts of time looking for that one sweet spot. That single location which would somehow embody the ideal elements in one place fostering all your creative...

How to Write a Query Letter to an Editor

How to Write a Query Letter to an Editor

As some of you may know, to submit with us, you only need a query letter, a summary, and the first three chapters of your completed Fiction or Non-Fiction manuscript. “Only,” you repeat back dryly. We know. We’re writers too, remember? And because of that, we’re...

How to Write a Query Letter to an Agent

How to Write a Query Letter to an Agent

In a recent post, Winterwolf Press suggested formatting your 'Call for Submissions' query letter in the style of an editor query letter. Which, if you're submitting to us (high-five!), then make no mistake, you're sitting pretty with all of that information under your...

Winterwolf Press Signs Author, Laura C. Cantu

Winterwolf Press Signs Author, Laura C. Cantu

LAS VEGAS, NV-Winterwolf Press (WP) signs author, Laura C. Cantu. A multitalented artist and storyteller, Laura is an accomplished dancer, winning six national titles and placed fourth in the Professional Argentine Tango World Championships. Also a visual artist and a...

The Importance of a Query Letter

The Importance of a Query Letter

In our recent call for submissions, Winterwolf Press has asked that all of our prospective writers send a query letter in along with the first three chapters of their manuscript. But what exactly is a query letter? We think Jane Friedman’s blunt explanation says it...

You’ve Got to Sign Up for the Winterwolf Press Newsletter

You’ve Got to Sign Up for the Winterwolf Press Newsletter

These days, the word “newsletter” brings such boring images to mind. It reminds us of the cluttered billboard constantly shedding outdated announcements onto the floor of the employee breakroom, or that company flier that the boss is always waving in our face. We...

Five Reasons Why It’s Good for Authors to Utilize Social Media

Five Reasons Why It’s Good for Authors to Utilize Social Media

You’re a writer. It’s who you are, and while your friends may have a hard time imagining the long hours you spend slaving away over a single paragraph in your creative corner, you’ve come to not only accept, but really enjoy that private silence that cloaks you while...

What Makes WinterWolf Press Different from the Rest

What Makes WinterWolf Press Different from the Rest

It’s three in the morning. You’ve just typed the final word of your novel’s last sentence, and though it’s straining your eyes to stare at the screen, you can’t help but look at the word count in disbelief. Finally, you’ve finished your book. You should be relieved....

Winterwolf Press Launches New Website

Winterwolf Press Launches New Website

After months of preparation and hard work, Winterwolf Press is excited to announce that we are finally open! Our team has hand picked novels we believe represent our goals of publishing quality works that bring magic back into the world. For the remainder of this...

Winterwolf Press Signs Celebrated Healer, Christine Contini

Winterwolf Press Signs Celebrated Healer, Christine Contini

LAS VEGAS, NV-Winterwolf Press (WP) signed celebrated healer, Christine Contini. With years of experience as a healer and spiritual practitioner, Christine had developed an amazing reputation in Las Vegas for her abilities and how she helps others learn. Now, she is...

Picking a Platform: eBooks

Picking a Platform: eBooks

Electronic books, better known as "eBooks," are a controversial platform that Merriam-Webster would have you believe are simply an "electronic version of a printed book that can be read on a computer or handheld device." They don't mention the ongoing war between...

