by TheWinterwolf | Sep 14, 2016 | Author's Life, Marketing, Resources
If you’re an author who has recently signed a contract with a publisher, then chances are you’ve heard the term “book launch” thrown around once or twice. No, this isn’t a second book marketing campaign, but rather your...
by TheWinterwolf | Sep 1, 2016 | Author's Life, Marketing, Resources
Writing isn’t easy. Besides going through the exhausting act of trying to pen that swirling mass of complicated plotlines and character backstory onto paper, you’ve got a number of other details to keep you up at night: a fitting title, the perfect author bio,...
by TheWinterwolf | Aug 17, 2016 | Author's Life, Writing Tips and Tools
As some of you may know, to submit with us, you only need a query letter, a summary, and the first three chapters of your completed Fiction or Non-Fiction manuscript. “Only,” you repeat back dryly. We know. We’re writers too, remember? And because of that, we’re...
by TheWinterwolf | Aug 15, 2016 | Author's Life, Resources
In a recent post, Winterwolf Press suggested formatting your ‘Call for Submissions’ query letter in the style of an editor query letter. Which, if you’re submitting to us (high-five!), then make no mistake, you’re sitting pretty with all of...
by TheWinterwolf | Aug 11, 2016 | Author's Life, Marketing, Resources
In our recent call for submissions, Winterwolf Press has asked that all of our prospective writers send a query letter in along with the first three chapters of their manuscript. But what exactly is a query letter? We think Jane Friedman’s blunt explanation says it...