You’re committed to promoting your new work on Twitter and to do that, you need followers. You’ve tried everything from scheduling tweets about adorable animals to tweeting quotes from whatever is on the New York Times Bestseller List that week. Still, your followers seem to have plateaued around 120.

The truth is, you need to look at Twitter less as a game where the winner has the most retweets and more like an opportunity to network with other authors and find your audience. If you really try to engage the Twitterverse and show that you’re a genuine and interesting writer to follow, then those followers will start coming in.

Popular Writer Hashtags

Not sure where to begin? Hashtags are a great way to boost visibility while also engaging in writing, editing, and reading communities. What’s more, if you have the Twitter version of writer’s block, then these hashtags will get you started by giving you some ideas for what to share.

Day of the Week Hashtags

  • #2bittues – Each Tuesday has a new theme. Write or share a line from your work that matches the theme.
  • #1linewed – Each Wednesday also has a new theme. Find a line in your current work that matches the theme.
  • #Thurds – This hashtag is designed for newly published authors who want to promote their work. Share buy links on Thursday with this hashtag.

Sharing Your Writing Experiences

  • #amwriting – This hashtag is very open-ended. Talk about your writing day. Discuss challenges, distractions, ideas, and more.
  • #amediting – This one is basically the same as the previous one only for times spent editing instead of writing.
  • #WIP – WIP stands for Work in Progress. Talk about your latest piece.
  • #writerslife – Commiserate with other writers or share your joy of writing.
  • #WritingParty – This general hashtag is widely used by writers on Twitter. If you post something writing related, feel free to add it in.

Offer Some Advice

  • #WritingTip – Offer tips on grammar, style, methods, and more. You’re a writer; don’t be afraid to share your genius.
  • #WriteTip – This is a shortened version of the previous one. Use it in the same way.

Engage Your Followers and Community

  • #WritingPrompt – Offer writing prompts for others to follow. Make them as silly or serious as you want.
  • #WQOTD – This stands for Writing Question of The Day. Ask one, or look for some to answer (and don’t forget to include #WQOTD in your answer).
  • #AskEditor – Editors use this to invite questions. Ask an editor anything about editing and be sure to include the hashtag.
  • #AskAgent – This is the same idea only for agents. It’s a great way to get some of your questions answered directly from the source.
  • #AskAuthor – Now it’s your turn to be the expert. Invite your followers (or potential followers) to ask questions about writing and the writing life.

All Good Writers are Readers Too

  • #FridayReads – Share what you’re reading and talk about your favorite books.
  • #MustRead – Learn about what others are reading and get some ideas.
  • #Bibliophile – Promote your work to readers who are eager to dig in to something new.

If this isn’t enough for you, you can always try the logical hashtags for your genre and style of writing. #Poetry, #Romance, and #History are just a few of the keys you can use to connect with your audience and your writing community.